Friday, March 11, 2011

Image ( Photo ) of destruction after Japan's tsunami, earthquake .

In Sendai, the city largest near to the quake epicentre, the waves swept through the car park of the airport and engulfed buildings.

The 8.9 magnitude quake triggered a huge tsunami which has swept across the sea threatening countries all around the Pacific Ocean.

Houses in Natori were cought as a wall of water upto 10metre (33ft) high in some places.

Whirlpools could be seen off the coast of several cities, catching boats in their drag.

Damage to gas pipes and electricity lines meant many fires broke out in the aftermath of the quake, including in Natori City.
The quake was felt in the capital Tokyo, where workers evacuated swaying buildings, trains and underground services were halted, plants closed and the international airport temporarily shut.
At least 300 people are already confirmed to have died but many are still missing.

Light Planes and Vehicals were strewn among the debris.                                                                                                    

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