Thursday, October 9, 2008

UGC Pay Panel: widespread discontent among readers.

Though UGC Pay Panel recommendations have been welcomed, there is widespread discontent among readers for being placed in the same pay band as lecturers.

A large number of readers have been writing condemning the University grants Commissions’ move, many of the university teachers have called it unfortunate while others have used stronger language against the committee.

The UGC Pay review committee has proposed more than 70 percent increase in the salary of university and college teachers and other staff.

Here are some views of teachers on the issue.

Dr R Ravichandran
Associate Professors, in college or in university should be placed in PB-4. How can you differentiate persons of same cadre in different places of education?. Who is superior?. Associte Prof. in a college or in university?. College is part of a university after all. UGC should remove this anomoly and both should be placed in PB-4 along with professors with differential Grade pay and academic pay. HRD should be told about this anomoly.

A Sathyamurthy
I have been in the Selection Grade Asst Professor cadre for the last 15 years and have been condemned to continue to stagnate there by the latest UGC Pay Panel. I must be given the PB-4 scale of 37400-67000. Nothing short of it is justice! The MHRD should do justice to the Selection Grade Lecturers before the formal acceptance of the Government is announced.

Dr RS Singh
It is totally illogical step to place three different cadres (Lect., Senior Lect. and Reader) of university in same pay band. It seems that the UGC Pay Committee has not done even basic calculation before finalizing the report. In this commission there will be great loss to post like Dy. Registrar because they donĂ¢€™t have Promotion Avenue after this post (in university there is only one post of registrar).

RR Meghwal
How can be an associate professor equilised with assistant professor? A newly recruited assistant professor would get equal salary with that of newly promoted/selected associate Professor. There would be around 75% hike in the salary of Professor as agianst only 30%in case of associate Professor.The Chadha committee has recomended lower band for associate Professor(Band3)while govt has put Pay scale ending at Rs.18300 in PB 4.Therefore all Associate Professor should be placed in PB4 without discrimination.The age of retirement should also reduced to 60 years.

K Srikumar
It is clear from analysis that administrative interest is given higher weightage (based on Principals and Professors given pay band 4)than for those who involved in academic work (Asst upto Assoc Professors). Otherwise the wide disparity between the start of PB3 and PB4 should not be there. Differences within the 5th pay commission scales were reasonable and consistent. Academic positions and academic salaries are for encouraging academic work,and knowledge creation, as that in foreign universities.

Dr YC Bhat
In the new UGC pay scales when only two scales are proposed than why not they should have finished the cadre of associate professor.Than such discremination with associate professors could have been avoided.Associate professors working and stagnant at 18300 from last so many years will be again blocked at 39100.In many universities CAS are not conducted regulary or conducted only once due to State govt restrictions will at big loss in new payscales.Therefore, to remove this heart burning differnce Sr Associate Professor in 37000 to 67000 be also given in Universiy System. UGC and HRD Ministry should give a serious thought over this.

Associate Professors, in college or in university should be placed in PB-4. How can you differentiate persons of same cadre in different places of education?. Who is superior?. Associte Prof. in a college or in university?. College is part of a university after all. UGC should remove this anomoly and both should be placed in PB-4 along with professors with differential Grade pay and academic pay. HRD should be told about this anomoly.

OP Sahu
earlier before 5th pay commission, Lect. , Reader, and Prof. were in scales staring 2200, 3700 and 4500 respectively. Now It will be about 22000, 30000, and 48000, respectively. Therefore readers are at a great loss. They must be placed in PB4, or around 37000.

1 comment:

Dr B J Koppar said...

The percentage hike for various grades of teachers is as follows;
1. Lecturer-Assistant Professor=55.33%
2. Lecturer (SS)-Asst.Professor=22%
3. Lect.(SG)-Asst. Professor= 6%
4. Reader-Associate Professor=6%
5. Professor = 58%.
So much for the hard work all these years that Chadha has given 6% while professors are getting 58% on what basis? god only knows. The discrimination done to Readers is clearly writ large on the recommendations. The Ratio among different scales earlier was quite healthy. Now the Readers get 1.06 against the Lecturers and Professors get 2.81 times more than Lecturer. It is not that Prof. Chadha alone has shown such bias. The ratio of salary difference for Readers has fallen in the last three succesive reports from 1.7 (1988), to 1.5 (1998) and 1.06(2008). People in the higher echelons of power never pay attention to these figures as ultimately it babus who are going to decide what a teacher should get be him/her a Lecturer, Reader or Professor. Professors are very happy as they are getting 58% hike. I believe that organisations like FEDUCTA, DUTA, DTF, AIFUCTO, JNUTA etc, should frame protests and make HRD correct the anamolous report submitted by Prof. Chadha.


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