Friday, September 26, 2008

‘Black Diwali’ for armed forces.

It will be a ‘Black Diwali’ for the armed forces as they have refused to accept the new pay scales till the anomalies are corrected. Other Central services, including the Indian Police Service (IPS), are awaiting word from the government on their plea for rectification of defects in the Sixth Pay Commission’s pay scales.

While the armed forces have refused to accept the revised salaries that were to be given this month, IPS officers too will continue to draw the old pay scales. “Set right anomalies”
The three service chiefs have refused to accept the revised salaries till the anomalies, especially for the ranks of Lieutenant Colonels and Lieutenant Generals are corrected.

The intense feeling of having been let down at the Lt. Col level in all the three services prompted the service chiefs not to implement the Pay Commission’s recommendations across all ranks.
The service chiefs are wary of getting their grievances addressed by bureaucrats and want a decision at the political level.

The distrust with civilian officers has its genesis with the formation of the Pay Commission when the services pointed out that retired and serving personnel formed the largest component of Central government employees. Therefore, they pleaded for representation in the Indian Administrative Service (IAS)-dominated Sixth Pay Commission by pointing out that civilians would not be able to grasp the circumstances in which armed forces personnel operated. However, their demand was rejected.

Since then, they again felt short-changed by the bureaucracy when a review committee was set up to look into their complaints over the pay scales recommended by the Commission.

This review panel, again comprising IAS officers, failed to measure up to their expectations.
Since then, Defence Minister A.K. Antony, Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee Admiral Sureesh Mehta and the other two service chiefs have separately approached the Prime Minister for redressal.

Source The Hindu

1 comment:


It is black diwali not only to Armed/defence forces, but to all pensioners who have retired after 1.1.2006. The revised pension that is going to be fixed, is going to be much less than what a pensioner who have retired before 31.12.2005. No thought was given to this and no calculations appear to have been made before issue of the OM dt. 2.9.2008 in respect of post 1.1.2006 retirees. Pre 1.1.2006 are much better placed and while all other categories of staff/officers are benefited, it is surprising that the post 1.1.2006 are the worst sufferers,for no fault of theirs. Please - some one should look into this anamoly immediately.


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