Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Railway employees to get 77 days wages as Bonus.

The Union Cabinet has approves payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to the Railway employees to the extent of 77 days wages for the financial year 2009-10 as proposed by Ministry of Railway.

This will be the highest PLB payment ever to be made by Railways. Last year it was 75 days. Approximately 1.292 million non gazetted Group B, C and D employees are likely to benefit from this decision. PLB is based on the productivity indices reflecting the performance of the Railways.The financial implication of payment of 77 days’ PLB to railway employees has been estimated to be INR 1065.42 crore.

The wage calculation ceiling prescribed for payment of PLB to the eligible non gazetted railway employees (excluding RPF/RPSF personnel) is INR 3500 per month which will be around INR 8860.00 per employee.

Source- Ministry of Railway

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